bOUYA | Consoles


During the kickstarter campaign there was an option to back the project to receive an early developer console. This was intended to allow developers to create games for the platform ahead of the official retail launch of the system...

Bronze Kickstarter

This system was available only during the final week of the Kickstarter campaign. This system cost $140 USD and was shipped to their respective backers in March of 2013...

Angel List Kickstarter

This is the first production run of the OUYA console. These units had 12 Angel List Backer's usernames engraved into one side of the console...

Silver Production

Kickstarter Backers could fund the project for $99 USD to receive this final production unit as early as March 2013 with the official store public launch being June 2013...

White Christmas

This unit was a limited run console nearly identical to the original unit other than some very minor changes. This unit shared an identical board to the general production silver units...

Matte Black 16GB

This unit was a limited run console nearly identical to the original unit other than some very minor changes. This unit shared an identical board to the general production silver units...


The Anthracite units are the only other full production version of the system other than the silver units. These units are very similar to the production silver units but had minor improvements to the hardware...

Reading Rainbow

The Reading Rainbow units were a special Kickstarter reward for people that backed the Reading Rainbow Kickstarter that ran from June to July 2nd, 2014. These units were intended to be "Rainbow-in-the-Sky" Blue and signed by LeVar Burton (best known for his work on Star Trek)...